I simply can't urge you strongly enough to read the article in the most recent Vanity Fair about Florida 2000--it's just magnificent, clearly putting inside baseball from the court's clerks in.
A brilliant post by Jeanne D'Arc about the staggeringly dishonest bait-and-switch being pulled by hawks who 1)strongly favor intervention in the Sudan, and 2)wish to remain hack Bush apologists. Very difficult.
For your Sunday afternoon amusement, see s.z.--who finds better wingnuttery than anyone--analyze Lisa Wechel's fascinating thoughts on sex ed. and the gays. Call me old-fashioned, but I would prefer finding out.
As he prepares to break George Sisler's record, I thought I would celebrate by passing along a remarkable junk stat. Bill James developed a series of tests that attempted to.
I'm far too old and broke to go see this much live music in such a short period of time, (and looking at the dates, I might be too depressed.
What's most amazing about the elements of the right who are fighting rhetorical battles on behalf of the president isn't so much the mendacity, although that can be pretty awe-inspiring..
Courtesy of a friend of Seb (of Sadly, No fame), I now have a beta gmail account. So all readers of L, G &M who were not sending me feedback at.
A veritable Instapundit classic today: You know, the more I look at the new, Dean-channeling Kerry, the more I think that he doesn't expect to win. He's given up trying to.