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On the possibility of pro-life feminism

In General
On September 14, 2004
I've been meaning to pull together a post responding to various arguments made by Hugo Schwyzer on the possibility of a left, feminist pro-life political alignment (See here, here, here). Ampersand at Alas, A Blog has rendered any such project on my part redundant with this splendid post. (I...

Hack Central

On September 13, 2004

In a recent article in which self-parody and self-congratulation fought each other to a draw, Prof. Reynolds made the following statement: The press has been in the tank for Kerry to.


In General
On September 12, 2004
Tim Lambert has more on the article inexplicably discussed by the Times: The trouble with their study is that the economy was stronger under Clinton than under either Bush, so of course the reporting of the economy under Clinton was more positive. Lott and Hassett claim...


On September 12, 2004

In the midst of another dissection of Michelle Malkin's book, In Defense of the Indefensible, David Neiwert coins a useful term for the most common form of conservative argument: Malkin, in fact,.

Where we stand now

On September 11, 2004

Kevin Drum, commenting on an excellent post from Juan Cole, sums up the situation in Iraq as it relates to the struggle against AQ and global terrorism as well as any summary.

I see that invective and raise you all-in…

In General
On September 10, 2004
An even better take on Linklater from Armond White in the New York Press: Everything wrong with today's movie culture can be found in Before Sunset. Not to exaggerate this pipsqueak movie, but its very "smallness" is symptomatic of the diminished expectations and paltry substance that...

Senn vs. Sidran

On September 10, 2004

The upcoming primary here in Washington has a few tough choices to consider. On the Governors race, I'm pretty much set on Sims. I don't think he'll win, and Gregoire may.

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