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Score one for Nozick

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On September 16, 2004
On the other hand, this article reminds me of perhaps the most indefensible policy that most progressives either agree with or are indifferent about: the criminalization of prostitution. This isn't to say that I agree with the most simplistic libertarian defenses of decriminalization. The class makeup...


On September 16, 2004

I know, I know, we're not supposed to panic. 6+ weeks to go, debates, etc. But I'm going to panic a little anyway, in response to the SUSA New Jersey, Florida.

Abortion and feminism, Pt. II

In General
On September 14, 2004
Since this is a little long to be included in comments, a couple of quick points about the possibility of a pro-life feminism. The first thing to say is that the question is unanswerable; in some sense, it's up to Hugo Schwyzer to define his political...

Hack Central

On September 13, 2004

In a recent article in which self-parody and self-congratulation fought each other to a draw, Prof. Reynolds made the following statement: The press has been in the tank for Kerry to.

Mark Kleiman is the first person I've seen to make this rather crucial point: Wouldn't it be astonishing if a major news organization turned out to have been as foolishly credulous about documents "proving" what some people in it wanted to believe about George W....


On September 12, 2004

Tim Lambert has more on the article inexplicably discussed by the Times: The trouble with their study is that the economy was stronger under Clinton than under either Bush, so of.


On September 12, 2004

In the midst of another dissection of Michelle Malkin's book, In Defense of the Indefensible, David Neiwert coins a useful term for the most common form of conservative argument: Malkin, in fact,.

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In General
On September 12, 2004
My colleague can hardly be blamed for missing the real pinnacle of Bobo's recent column--the thing was really a cornucopia of insipidity. But try to imagine that anybody would write this: If you look at the big Kerry donors, you realize that the days of...

Where we stand now

On September 11, 2004

Kevin Drum, commenting on an excellent post from Juan Cole, sums up the situation in Iraq as it relates to the struggle against AQ and global terrorism as well as any summary.

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