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My colleague can hardly be blamed for missing the real pinnacle of Bobo’s recent column–the thing was really a cornucopia of insipidity. But try to imagine that anybody would write this:
If you look at the big Kerry donors, you realize that the days of the starving intellectual are over. University of California employees make up the single biggest block of Kerry donors and Harvard employees are second, topping folks from Goldman Sachs and others in the supposedly sell-out/big-money professions.
You see, if you’re one of those “paragraph people” you might think that the best measure of whether something is a “big money” profession are such obscure variables as “income” or “wealth.” You Philistine. Any “numbers person” can tell you that what really matters is how much you give to political campaigns! It’s obvious to any “numbers person” that professors are far richer than investment bankers; it’s not as if the former may have more interest in politics or anything. Jesus Christ, this might be the stupidest thing to appear in the NYT op-ed section ever. Well, at least since Brooks wrote that people who have sex with more than one person are committing “spiritual suicide.”
Anyway, as a wealthy academic I’m willing to make an offer to Brooks: we swap salaries for the next five years. You’ll really grow to appreciate the opulent lifestyle of the academic. Sell out in style!