JEM fighters will put down their arms for the opportunity to join the Sudanese army at 500 euros a head. Perhaps this will slow conflict-related violence in the region, perhaps.
Stephen Green asserts that to find a president criticizing the Supreme Court you have to go back to Old Hickory. (And his quote is actually apocryphal, although since it's "fake.
Who says you can't empirically observe the effect of BSG on actual politics? Former Congressman Eric Massa to a male aide: "What I really ought to be doing is fracking.
For whatever reason, the filibuster has a romantic appeal to people who should know better, and you often hear from those who dislike the current rules that changing the rules.
Dear Dr. Sapolsky,Please view this link. The data concern public funding of health care in terms of direct government expenditure. You will note that the United States ranks third in.
If you're the sort of person who, like me, gets torqued about public health issues, there's a important study out in JAMA today (.pdf here) about the population benefits of.
Via Ailes, Mikey Kaus explains the rationale for his right-wing vanity campaign:“I believe in affirmative government and spending gobs of money,” he said. But, “I want to let people know.
Stanley Fish. Generally, it's good to wait until there's some evidence you're right before you do an "I told you so" column in defense of a stupid thesis, but...I guess.