Over at my other digs, Kindred Winecoff is running a series called "World Politics in a Time of Populist Nationalism" (which, unfortunately, he's decided requires an acronym). They're all 'good' (if you don't calculate values of 'good' based on scariness quotient), but I found the most recent one—Gizem...
Author: Dan Nexon
Dan Nexon is a Professor of Government and Foreign Service at Georgetown University. You can read all about the gory details of his academic work at https://www.dhnexon.net
I assume that I don't need to spend a lot of time reminding readers of the following: The 2016 election was a breakout year for fake news, and much of that.
Despite showing some questionable judgment about whom to cite, Paul Musgrave has a nice piece in the Washington Post on Russian propaganda and the US election. The whole thing does a good.
(The LGM powers-that-be asked me to adapt something that I wrote on Facebook about Scott.) I only knew Scott via social media and email, and not terribly well. Like everyone else here, I admired his wit and humor; I looked forward to everything that he...
Rob made a brief introduction in his official “welcome” post. Thanks, Rob! And thanks to the LGM community, which has already thrown down the gauntlet. Still, tradition—and a dose of caution—suggests that I.