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1,201 Days Later

CDC image library. Transmission electron microscopic image of an isolate from the first U.S. case of COVID-19, formerly known as 2019-nCoV. The spherical viral particles, colorized blue, contain cross-section through the viral genome, seen as black dots.

The COVID-19 public health emergency (not to be confused with the national emergency or the WHO emergency) ended at midnight. Of course, the disease ain’t going anywhere and anyone who says things are back to normal should stop saying things. Also, thanks in part to CNN, the festering sore that walks like a man and deliberately made the pandemic worse is very much back in everyone’s face.

Speaking of COVID and CNN, to guess how many times he was asked about his response to the pandemic during the tRump town hall rally CNN hosted? Or the disease at all?

Who said zero and zero? Congratulations.

Thanks to the magic of transcripts I see that he spontaneously mentioned COVID-19 after two questions about the economy. The first time included xenophobic jabs at China. And here’s an interesting tidbit:

But then with COVID coming in, we had to do other things. We had to keep this country alive because it was so serious. But we have to get the country back.

A quick review of my my memory, reinforeced by a review of my favorite blog’s archives, shows how seriously he took the disease. Who could forget such stellar examples of seriousness as:

The list of sabotage isn’t endless. It just looks like it. It feels like it. And one reason we remember is that we all continue to live through aftereffects of his malice.

So, back to the free rally. CNN’s CEO Chris Lich is still attempting to claim the event was anything other than a CNN-sponsored rally. Because in true right wing style he can’t resist being the man who pisses down your leg and tells you that the warm, wet feeling oozing down your calf is rain.

Licht also said that he was “aware” that there have been “opinions and backlash” to the event but “there is so much that we learned last night of what another Trump presidency looked like.”

Don’t bother fuckface, we already know.

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