The Best and Brightest

Speaking of death cults, how about our amoral corporate and consultant class:
Documents released last week in a federal bankruptcy court in New York show that the adviser was McKinsey & Company, the world’s most prestigious consulting firm. The 160 pages include emails and slides revealing new details about McKinsey’s advice to the Sackler family, Purdue’s billionaire owners, and the firm’s now notorious plan to “turbocharge” OxyContin sales at a time when opioid abuse had already killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.
In a 2017 presentation, according to the records, which were filed in court on behalf of multiple state attorneys general, McKinsey laid out several options to shore up sales. One was to give Purdue’s distributors a rebate for every OxyContin overdose attributable to pills they sold.
The presentation estimated how many customers of companies including CVS and Anthem might overdose. It projected that in 2019, for example, 2,484 CVS customers would either have an overdose or develop an opioid use disorder. A rebate of $14,810 per “event” meant that Purdue would pay CVS $36.8 million that year.
Speaking of amoral death cults, needless to say Bill Barr made sure to get this wrapped up in a way that would allow the Sacklers to keep the vast majority of their blood money:
The company’s owners, members of the wealthy Sackler family, agreed to pay $225 million in civil penalties as part of the settlement but did not face criminal charges. The sales of OxyContin helped the Sacklers build a fortune estimated to be at least $13 billion, an amount that dwarfs the fine.
But the settlement agreement does not preclude the federal government from investigating criminal charges against Purdue executives or Sackler family members who are involved with the company.
While the settlement gave the Trump administration a high-profile win in the war against opioid addiction, Purdue also pushed to settle its federal legal issues while President Trump was still in office, anticipating that his officials would cut a more generous deal than a new administration.
Attorneys general in Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina and other states have said that the federal settlement failed to do enough to hold the Sackler family to account.
More on the rush by the working class whisperers in the Trump administration to give the Sacklers a pass here.