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Today In Sexist Condescension


Many of you are familiar with Robert George, the moral sage who has uncovered the eternal truth that the Natural Law is by miraculous coincidence always perfectly consistent with the most recent platform of the Texas Republican Party. He has emerged to explain that Donald Trump, for a very brief period, took nominal “pro-life” principles too seriously to be an actual “pro-lifer”:

In fact, Mr. Trump seems to have stumbled onto the best possible way of signaling to true pro-lifers that he is not one of them. He has inadvertantly embraced an idea that is falsely attributed to pro-life citizens by their opponents to weaken the pro-life cause by tarring pro-lifers as punitive, vindictive people who would send women, many of whom are desperate and frightened, and some of whom are acting under pressure or even coercion in seeking abortions, to prison.

Mr. Trump evidently wants to show us how genuine his conversion is by depicting himself as severely pro-life. But pro-lifers are compassionate, seeking the good of unborn children and their mothers, never pitting them or their interests against each other. We are interested in saving babies, not punishing mothers. And we know that we don’t need to punish mothers to save babies.

So to be clear, women who allegedly kill “babies” should not be punished, because they are not rational moral agents, but rather must have been coerced into acting irrationally if they decide to obtain an abortion. Treating women as children is “compassion.” As always, I ask: if pro-lifers don’t take their own principles seriously, or can only defend them by deploying anachronistic conceptions of women being legally incapable of making rational decisions, why should I?

Via Edroso, who has many more examples.

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