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Upcoming Out of Sight Events!



Two upcoming Out of Sight events for you all

First, my Brooklyn book talk with Sarah Jaffe will be aired on CSPAN2 at 7:45 pm Sunday evening. I warn you, I gesticulate a lot. Don’t get too close to your television set. If you don’t have cable, it should be on the CSPAN BookTV website after it airs. Plus now Lemieux can’t brag anymore that he was the only LGM writer on America’s most popular network.

Second, all you Yinzers out there should be coming out to see me next Wednesday afternoon. That’s right, I am visiting exciting Pittsburgh, where I am giving a talk at Big Idea Books at 1:30 pm. Weird time I know. But who in western Pennsylvania has jobs anymore anyway thanks to our good friend capital mobility? So come on out!

Third, and this is a ways off, but I will be appearing in Cambridge at Porter Square Books on Tuesday, October 6 with the one and only Laura Clawson from Daily Kos interviewing me. All you Massholes and whatever they call people from southern New Hampshire should be there.

Fourth, I will be giving a public lecture at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York on November 10. So if you are in the Hudson Valley, mark your calendars for an evening of fun happy times about joyful events going on in the world today. And perhaps a random dead horse reference.

Please note my east coast friends that I am basically willing to go anywhere I can drive to do an event if you can help me set up a venue.

Also, if any readers want to write a review of the book on Amazon, I would appreciate it. That stuff helps move a few copies. The press told me they are pretty happy with the sales but there’s only 3 reviews there which could be better.

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