Soylent Green is Industrialists!
Hi. Do you feel like something is missing from your life? Of course you do, and it’s this: A mashup of “Soylent Green” and characters that were rejected by the show “Portlandia” for being “a little too over-the-top.”
Well, don’t look into it or anything, but Liberty Island is pretty much the best thing on the internet, perhaps surpassing in awesomeness even this little boy arguing about cupcakes with his mother. Why is it so awesome? Because it’s like Conservapedia except with art. Or “art.” Your mileage may vary.
If you’re too chicken to click, here’s are a couple of paragraphs from the Soylent Green-Portlandia mashup:
To the general amusement of the old gang, Allison over the years had introduced a series of increasingly eccentric boyfriends as her enthusiasms meandered from eastern medicine to preserving the Amazon to vegan cooking. The last had coincided with the introduction of a painfully thin, bearded fellow the group quickly dubbed Ashram Anton, as much for his fiercely-spiced vegetarian curries as his appetite for recreational drugs.
Anton ran a vegetarian restaurant on Hawthorne Boulevard. The Sacred Cow was a narrow cavern of a joint wedged between a non-profit women’s interest bookstore and a used-CD shop. A cramped cluster of tables overlooked by hemp wall hangings and yellowed Robert Crumb posters fronted a lengthy kitchen, hidden behind a beaded curtain, where Anton concocted his leafy delights.
I know I’m always saying this to you, but this time I really mean it: YOU’RE WELCOME.