Our New Overlords Make Their Move, Show They Hate America
The jellyfish are on the march:
But CSIRO Wealth from Oceans research scientist Lisa-Ann Gershwin says more research needs
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She says this is more of an immediate problem than jellyfish migrating south from tropical waters.
“For a population to migrate, its whole habitat has to migrate with it, so we’re talking some time.
“We do know that warmer water does trigger some species of Irukandji to be more active and more toxic.
“It’s highly likely that smaller increase in temperature will trigger resident jellyfish to become more pesky, than to trigger far away jellyfish to migrate down.”
Great, climate change will not only make jellyfish the dominant animal in the oceans, but it will make them even more deadly, no doubt just part of a process of preparing for land-based invasions where they will unite with the robots to enslave all humans. Or maybe they will just turn their powers against America:
In 2006 jellyfish were sucked into the intakes of the nuclear-powered USS Ronald Reagan in Brisbane during its maiden voyage.
Whoa, they attacked Reagan? I knew jellyfish were Democrats! You’d think this alone would get McConnell and Boehner on board for some climate change legislation. Oh well, let’s just all have some nightmares tonight:
One bloom of sea tomato jellyfish travelled from Broome in August 2012 to Exmouth in May 2013 in Western Australia.
“They were so huge you could see them from space,” Dr Gershwin says.
Some jellyfish have hundreds of mouths.
Curling up in corner, weeping.