Home / General / We Now Interupt Our Regular Concentration-Camp Blogging For Some Important Announcements.

We Now Interupt Our Regular Concentration-Camp Blogging For Some Important Announcements.


First, this morning Border Network for Human Rights will announce a major inter-faith protest event next Monday, July 29 in El Paso, Texas. If you can come, please do, and try to bring at least one friend. There will be a non-violence training the day before (Sunday July 28), and a tour of a migrant shelter on Saturday July 27 before that. Stay tuned for updates, but book tickets now if you can. The Aloft Marriott downtown is decent and rooms were only $99 there on Saturday; other places around as well.

Second, if you are not following me on Twitter, that is where I am micro-blogging / live-tweeting bits of my trip and info on how to resist these camps more frequently than I can write long posts. Go there this morning for proof of why those concentration camp guards are not only criminals for carrying out Trump’s illegal orders, but also big fat liars.

Third, due to popular demand, I have begun a public Facebook group with a photo essay about my time in the borderlands. Open to all (please invite all your conservative friends especially!), but keep conversation respectful please.

Finally, I have various essays in preparation, and regular Concentration-Camp-Vacation-Blogging will resume as time permits. Feel free to use this thread to suggest moments from the annotated photo essay that you’d like to see turned into full posts. Enjoy.

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