The story has been floating around the past few days, but it's been confirmed with the release of a report yesterday from the US Census (specifically the Current Population Survey.
First, I've been absent (and sporadic when not wholly absent) for the past three months or so. The dominant issue in my life (aside from my 5/4 teaching load) has.
I'm sitting in an airport bar waiting to board my PDX-ORD flight, with an outside shot at an upgrade. I'm off to Chicago to present a paper, co-authored with my (one) Ph.D. student, on turnout. Entitled "Salience and Turnout in Second Order Elections: The Role...
but at least it will SAVE SAVE SAVE £65 million. Because, when the public debt is at some obscene number, and when the annual deficit is approaching 12% of GDP,.
On the erosion of the racial gap in turnout.I've wanted to say something about this since yesterday. Unfortunately, I haven't had a lot of time to give it a proper.
An article of mine was just published days ago in the latest issue of Party Politics, which is one of the top Political Science journals in the UK. This one, like a bunch of my stuff, concerns turnout. I take a practical approach to turnout;...