Shaun Richman and I have a piece in the Washington Post arguing that while Trump is full of baloney on trade, Democrats continue to be vulnerable on the issue because.
The election of Trump has been a weird time for those of us who care deeply about reshaping global trade to be fair to workers and ecosystems. Our criticisms got.
Chris Brooks has an excellent interview with the historian Dana Frank, who is an expert on so-called "Buy American" campaigns, as well as on guestworkers and many other things. Her.
I have new online piece, co-authored with Dani Nedal, at Foreign Affairs: President Donald Trump believes that America makes terrible deals—from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to the North American.
For those who think the U.S. can't legitimately do anything about the conditions of work and environmental exploitation overseas, please examine the new seafood importation standard implemented by the Obama.
As I have been saying, even though we are facing a government of deplorables led by likely Attorney General Nathan Bedford Forrest and are naturally going.

One of the many things I've personally been reckoning with in the past few weeks is how the shocking (although I am disappointed in myself for being so shocked) election.
As someone who passionately believes in fair trade, American jobs, and fighting global poverty, there is nothing more infuriating than the sort of dichotomy that commenters like Annie Lowrey and.