Omar Little vs. Anton Chigurh?
Discuss the final scene of episode four of the season five of the Wire. This is apt to be a spoiler rich environment, so those waiting for the DVDs should.
A while ago I read this interesting New Yorker profile of Joel Surnow. As is well known, Surnow's fascination with the ticking time bomb scenario provides repeated narrative justification for putting Kiefer Sutherland in a room with a variety of torture implements and some unfortunate...
A momentary pause in the NH action, which I too am watching with baited breath.Over at Yglesias, there's a lively discussion going on about The Wire. I came to the.
Old news, but I hadn't seen before that Barack Obama had declared the Wire his favorite television program, while Clinton prefers Grey's Anatomy, and Edwards remains stuck in 1994. It's.
I assume that most people have seen the season 5 premiere On Demand; if you haven't, please do so now. After watching the entire series On Demand over the course of the past four months, I now feel like an ordinary loser, having to sit...
What's the general consensus on the relative strength of Wire seasons? I'm halfway through season 3, and I think I like it the best of them all so far. Then.