steel industry
The genre of "rich person going undercover to show us what the real life of the working class is like" is pretty old now, going from at least the mid-nineteenth.
On May 31, 1889, the South Fork dam, on the land of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club above the city of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, collapsed during a heavy rainstorm..
U.S. Steel decided they couldn't wait until after Thanksgiving to lay off 2000 workers at its Granite City, Illinois facility. What a lovely holiday those unemployed workers will have. At.
The steel industry in the United States declined for reasons a bit more complicated than a lot of other industries. It wasn't so much that steel manufacturers moved overseas so.
Last week, I wrote about the ATI lockout of their union mills. Wanted to highlight this issue once again. The United Steelworkers held a big rally in Pittsburgh yesterday to.
Probably the most underreported story in American labor right now is what's going on steel. There are more unionized steel jobs in the U.S. than you'd think and a lot.
On October 27, 1948, an air inversion trapped the pollution spewed out by U.S. Steel-owned factories in Donora, Pennsylvania. The Donora Fog killed 20 people and sickened 6000 others. This.
An appropriate song to end this exploration of labor and song is this piece on deindustrialization, Tom Russell's "U.S. Steel." I hope you enjoyed this set of labor music.