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ross douthat


The Ballad of the Never Trumper

In General
On January 28, 2018
Ross Douthat decided that Holocaust Remembrance Day was an excellent time for a column normalizing Stephen Miller. How highly principled! Douthat sure is resisting that Trump agenda! Can't get this kind of quality commentary elsewhere. I know of at least one friend for whom this...
You guessed it--too much sex! That idea makes some people on the left angry. As they see it, it’s money and only money that Murray’s Fishtown and Putnam’s hometown lack and need. And it’s unchecked capitalism and Republican stinginess, not the sexual revolution, that has...

Liberalism’s Favorite Laboratory?

In Uncategorized
On August 4, 2009
Benen, Yglesias, and Krugman said what needed to be said about this Douthat column. I can't decide which aspect of the argument is worse -- the cherry picking of one "red state" or using a state in a fiscal crisis largely because it's burdened by...

Douthat Again

On June 9, 2009

Sorry, busy day with parental visit and various other tasks that need doing, but while I might get to this later see Roy, Barbara, Kathleen Reeves, K-Drum, and Athenae. I.

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