Look, I am ambivalent about the college occupations and tent camps. I am not sure of this as a strategy and I often don't see endgames to the idea of.
A student of mine told me about this situation in Atlanta before it led to violence and this is just crazy stuff. Basically, the Atlanta Police Department wants to log.
We tend to generalize our discussions of American politics into liberal cities and conservative small towns. But of course it's far more complicated than that. When I was spending time.
The invaluable historian Robin D.G. Kelley had a great op-ed a few days ago on how we need to think about how we think about looting. Let me offer a.
As my spouse pointed out this morning, it's certainly eyebrow-raising that on the same day Trump initiated a phone call with Putin he also ordered Federal law enforcement to cosplay.
Tomorrow marks the twentieth anniversary of the Battle for Seattle--the protests against the World Trade Organization that was both a real attempt to create alliances between different movements and a.

The March for Our Lives yesterday attracted armed white men angry about anyone daring to challenge their extremist view of the Second Amendment. Of course it did. Because armed white.
The Cleveland police are protesting Browns players kneeling during the national anthem by doing their jobs and respecting the flag like they claim to believe oh actually also refusing to.