Source: The Kremlin I've got a newish, short piece up at the website for Exit from Hegemony. As is my wont, I'm cross-posting it here. In The National Interest, Richard Javad Heydarian writes that: For.
There is so little interest in the American media--or even among the American left--about the actual conditions of American corporation exploitation of the global poor, that it's rare to even.
The thing about Rodrigo Duterte is that for an authoritarian like Trump, he says things that Trump would like to say himself but can't yet. And you know President Pussy.
There's too much foreign policy winning going on here. White House chief of staff Reince Priebus defended President Donald Trump's decision to invite Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte to the White.

On July 6, 1924, members of the Philippine Scouts, a division of Filipino troops in the U.S. Army occupying the Philippines, refused to drill to protest their poor pay and.
Yet another way to celebrate American awesomeness today before you blow off your fingers and, even worse, put ketchup on your hot dogs, is to remember how we rely on.
epa02787707 Indonesian migrant worker activists wearing black t-shirts, hold placards during a protest outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 21 June 2011. Dozens.
Another horrible disaster in the global apparel industry. This time it was in the Philippines where at least 72 are dead after a fire burned a slipper factory. There might.