Historical Memory

Friedrich St. Florian, the designer of the World War II Memorial in Washington, died. Can you think of a more pointless piece of public architecture? The World War II Memorial.
This is good news for those of us who care about a truthful discussion of the historical record: At least 26 enslaved people died on the Tennessee plantation of President.
When right-wingers whine about "forgetting our history" when people take down statue of evil Confederates and racists, they are telling on themselves. There's plenty to remember about our history that.
As Biden transitions out of the presidency, expect a good part of his later legacy to be signing executive orders creating national monuments, which is something that Clinton and Obama.
Republicans just openly embracing the Confederacy as the only history that really matters to them is....completely unsurprising. The House voted Thursday on a Republican amendment to restore Arlington National Cemetery’s Confederate.
As I say frequently, it is extremely unfortunate that our vision of the civil rights movement has been reduced to just a few people in public memory. This doesn't surprise.
Interesting project here on Chicago activists creating a historical memory project for the Black Panthers work in that city, which most notably included Fred Hampton, assassinated by J. Edgar Hoover's.
State flags are mostly pretty badly designed, but they do express values of the state, or at least they do when they are changed. See how various southern states added.