Thanks to some state courts taking some responsibility for stopping Republicans just fixing elections (not that this is going to survive the Supreme Court much longer based on the high.
North Carolina has not had a functioning democratic system since the Republican takeover in 2011. Its extreme gerrymandering is just one of the consequences but it's probably the most important.
This is the grave of Elbridge Gerry. Born in 1744 in Marblehead, Massachusetts, Gerry grew up in a Massachusetts elite merchant family. He gradated from Harvard in 1762 and received.
Get used to this guy Really, really screwed. The Cook Political Report came out with ratings Wednesday for how House elections are shaping up. The simple math: Just 33 seats.
This is an area that I used to know a lot about earlier in my academic existence, but has nothing to do with the paper I'm trying to finish today opposed by my daughter's best efforts (the effect of EU Framework I grants on turnout...