Item one: in my push to finish all my grading and a series of end of semester commitment I missed the Georgia presidential election. It was a doozy. Georgia’s governing.
...the Constitutional Court of Romania has annulled the first round of the presidential election: Romania’s top court has annulled the results of the first round of the presidential election and.
This one almost slipped under my radar. As we speak, the good people of Iceland are electing a new Althing. Fifty four members of parliament will be selected through a.
Several years ago, sometime in the oughts, at a conference I was discussing Irish politics with a professional colleague who'd moved there for a job 10 years prior, and had.

Keeping this one brief as Romania will demand a second and likely third post in the coming weeks. Sunday 11/24 is the first round of the Romanian presidential election, with.
Attentive readers will by now have noticed that, after nearly a year of covering every national election here, I've fallen off the wagon recently. Some of that was standard end.
Pakistan's election today lies somewhere in the vast space between a normal, proper democratic election and the absurd exercise that just took place in Azerbaijan. For a variety of reasons,.
Azerbaijani president Ilham Aliyev's current term was supposed to extend through 2025, but following the destruction of the Republic of Artsakh and the recapture of the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh, he.