
Spoiler alert: there isn't one. In the event of the incapacitation of the executive, there is no constitutional "Plan-B". I was told that the Cabinet Manual might cover it, which.
Over at the Duck of Minerva, two Indiana University professors – Jeffrey C. Isaac and W. Kindred Winecoff – have a post about the petition they've been circulating to protect.
Even as we learn less and less, the impassable jungle of idiotic punditry grows and multiplies and mutates and regenerates, ultimately infecting something like 55% of us overall. In moments.
From The Daily Show with John Stewart For those of you who haven't seen it yet, know that the compilation below is remarkable – and even more so when one.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the chairs of investigative committees announce the articles of impeachment against President Trump on Tuesday.Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images As an addendum to Steve's post.
There's a lot of uncertainty right now, whether about the economy, the pandemic, or the general political situation. We have a president who lies and deflects, making the inevitable noise.
I've been pretty disgusted the last few days by the privileged people of America shopping for what they seem to think will be the apocalypse, with hoarding of all sorts.
If there's one voice we need to hear from on COVID-19, it is that of Mike Davis, the great writer about disasters and inequality. His take is bracing. A year.