I dunno; I'm as contemptuous of the antebellum American South as anyone, but I'm still not convinced that John Brown deserves a pardon. You can be sympathetic with Brown's ends, and even recognize that his actions played a significant role in emancipation, while being reluctant...
Civil War
Fascinating front page of the Atlanta Constitution from July 4, 1905. Lead story was not Independence Day, and in fact I can't find a single reference to the holiday on.
Oregon State represents Christianity, capitalism, and tradition. Oregon represents the creeping evils of secularism, miscegenation, and gay marriage.Go Ducks!!!!!
Let me second Jason Sigger's shredding of Glenn Greenwald's handwringing regarding the assignment of a Brigade Combat Team to NORTHCOM, the combatant command responsible for the continental United States. Jason ably dismantles Greenwald's terror that the Army is coming to repress us, but I'd like...
My wife asked the other day why I seemed so interested recently in the self-evident absurdity of "Black Confederates." The short, pragmatic answer is that I'm teaching a course on.
You'll all be stunned to learn that the Sons of Confederate Veterans have laid claim to the grave of another selfless bondsman who loved his master so very much that.
Drew Gilpin Faust's Republic of Suffering is about memory and the Civil War, but not in the conventionally understood fashion. Although Faust writes a bit about the memory of the war in the national narrative, she's more interested in how the raw butchery of the...