In 1969, the Ad Council provided a very important message about venereal disease with a tune as catchy as the clap. Remember friends, VD is for everybody.
Like you ever thought Molly Pitcher wasn't the Kool-Aid pitcher.
British lard advertisement, 1957 Just because. Are they also drinking a lard-based cocktail? ....Jewish Steel in comments suggests this could be a parody. Sad if true. Good parody though.
Not sure what the Koch Brothers are getting at in this anti-Obamacare ad portraying Uncle Sam as a rapist. Given that he seems be to using the same transvaginal ultrasounds.
I guess the answer to what goes best with beef is supposed to be Jello, but the real answer is whiteness. I also so want some Western Roundup Salad, the.
I was going to respond to that ridiculous "God Made a Farmer" Chrysler ad that ran during the Super Bowl using the voiceover of Paul Harvey's speech of that title.
Oh dear. From the golden age of American advertising, for a laxative. Via Sociological Images. Full narration of the text at their site.