
In Robert Farley
On September 23, 2004
Via Paperwight, Tristero has a nice post on the John Birch Society. Maybe we don't hear so much about them, he suggests, because their platform has become that of the modern Republican Party. The John Birch Society arose in the late 50's and rapidly grew to considerable prominence....

A Libertarian War

On September 23, 2004


There have been a number of interesting observations regarding libertarian hawks in the last few days. Matt Yglesias points out that many who consider themselves libertarians actually aren't, and thus can't.

Peace, Brother

In Robert Farley
On September 23, 2004
Professor Cole is on a roll: But I have a hard time rushing to Yusuf Islam's defense because I never forgave him for advocating the execution of Salman Rushdie in 1989. He endorsed Khomeini's "fatwa" or death edict against Rushdie for the novel, Satanic Verses. He...


On September 22, 2004


I don't know why I forget to read them for months at a time. This one renders all past and future David Brooks mockery obsolete. via Pandagon.

More Polls

In General
On September 22, 2004
I'm satisfied with the blogospheric account of the huge Bush lead in Gallup (signifigant oversampling of GOP, based on some crack-smokingly incomprehensible sample adjustment methodology). Now can someone tell me why the allegedly reliable Survey USA people are coming up with reason-defying numbers like a tie in...

Stewart and O’Reilly

On September 22, 2004


I'm sad I missed this, because it appears as though (it's hard to say without actually seeing it) Stewart did about as good of job as anyone I've seen actually remaining.

If Iraq were America

In Robert Farley
On September 22, 2004
One of Juan Cole's finest: President Bush said Tuesday that the Iraqis are refuting the pessimists and implied that things are improving in that country. What would America look like if it were in Iraq's current situation? The population of the US is over 11 times that...
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