That darn SCLM

In General
On July 17, 2004
A question for those who still cling, against all evidence and reason to the myth of the liberal media: Why is it that Billy Carter and Roger Clinton were covered well enough to become household names, and were frequently treated by the SCLM as embarrassments for...


On July 17, 2004


Today  he treats us to a meandering, obvious article about the vacuity of all the 'values' discourse eminating from the Kerry-Edwards campaign. He notes with with some sadness that that.

My Evening

On July 16, 2004


I'd like to thank that venerable franchise, the Cleveland Indians, for two things. First, a display of power hitting the likes of which I've never seen, and may never see again,.

Because maybe the Republicans will think a little bit harder the next time they're tempted to deploy bigotry as a wedge issue. On that subject, the Bush administration's handling of the gay marriage issue in 2004 should probably be considered the paradigmatic example for how not to...

Fox News, cont.

On July 14, 2004


This is an anonymous source, so we can't draw too much from this, but I'm hoping this'll start a trend of FNC whistleblowers. And the emailer is exactly right that as.

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