
In General
On October 30, 2004
Kos is spot-on about this. Sure, we all know that if Bush wins a squeaker it probably won't change the way he governs. It potentially matters in the other direction, though. Goal one of this election is removing GWB and co. from power, but an important secondary...


In Robert Farley
On October 29, 2004
Digby has a couple of good discussions of the Revolution in Military Affairs, here and here. I wrote about this crazy stuff back in March of 2003, when it was revealed that none other than Newtie Gingrich was advising the Pentagon, and had been doing so for a...


On October 29, 2004


Most people have heard by now of the casualty report in the Lancet, which estimates that around 100000 Iraqi civilians have died during the war. Fred Kaplan does a good job.

Compulsory voting

On October 29, 2004


Call me an authoritarian if you wish, but I'm not all that opposed to the idea. I'd certainly make the penalty minimal (but not inconsequential) and I'd formalize the non-participant.

American Politics Pop Quiz

In General
On October 29, 2004
Ok, if you haven't read the NYT Op-ed page yet today, explain how this election could lead to a President Edwards being sworn in on Jan 20, 2005, with no assassinations. No peeking. Answer here. Update: No deaths are required.

Vera Drake

On October 28, 2004


Mike Leigh is, without serious question, a major filmmaker. His method of improvising from complex characters to develop a then-fixed shooting script makes his movies feel like nobody else's, he.

No Defense

In Robert Farley
On October 28, 2004
From Bird Dog, over at Tacitus: Update [2004-10-28 18:10:27 by Bird Dog]: Ralph Peters, McQ and Dale Franks are wrong, and so am I. ABC News confirmed that the video taken by an TV news crew on April 18th contained HMX under IAEA seal. The final two...

Pop-ups and advertising

On October 28, 2004


Henry at Crooked Timber notices some GOP 527 ads in strange places: One of my colleagues complained to me this morning that her AOL Instant Messenger software had been hijacked by.

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