News to Me

In General
On April 6, 2005
Imagine my suprise when, while channel surfing this morning, I come across a showing of The Manchurian Candidate. What, you say? Not so surprising? Yes, but one does not typically find a film like The Manchurian Candidate on the Encore True Stories channel.


On April 6, 2005


It's possible that Rummy said this with a straight face:``I don't have any evidence...'' that Venezuela will turn over some of the weapons to Colombian rebels, Rumsfeld told the Herald.``All.

LGM Baseball Challenge

In General
On April 4, 2005
Test your baseball prognostication ability against the best that LGM has to offer! I've set up a Baseball Challenge league at ESPN. League name is "Lawyers, Guns and Money", password is "zevon". Attention needed is minimal; just check in once a week to make major changes....

Neocon Intel

On April 4, 2005


Yglesias does a nice job cleaning up the latest vomitous mass left by David Brooks. Sure, feeling-type intel would be great, especially if it were, you know, accurate. The problem.


On April 4, 2005


An entire inning of tonight's Red Sox-Yankees game was wasted with an interview by one idiot of another idiot on the topic of steroids. If they keep this up, I.

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