Marty Lederman has a useful, bookmarkable list of every Balkinization post about the title subjects. Seeing them all in one place reminds me that I while I can take even the most essential blogs for granted sometimes the sheer amount of good analysis is remarkable.
GOP–party of torture
To those who demand competent acting, I say "Vaffanculo!"I, for one, am happy that an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court is taking jurisprudential lessons from sixth-rate torture porn. What's.
Hilzoy points to another in the endless series of empirical studies and professional testimonials indicating that torture is useless for the purpose of intelligence-driven interrogation. There's no value trade-off here;.
I'm not sure what's more depressing about yesterday's debate--the current frontrunner enthusiastically and unequivocally supporting torture, or how well in went over in the audience. Obviously, Giuliani's authoritarianism is going to become more and more manifest because it's his only possible route to victory. I...