Author: Scott Lemieux
In the process of tepidly defending the indefensible, Rich Lowry gets something (mostly) right: Andrew Sullivan has been playing increasingly tendentious word games with the labels he applies to supporters and opponents.
The Poor Man provides a handy advance summary of my forthcoming oral defense.
To be the millionth blogger to post about the DeLong/Ehrenreich dispute, I agree with David that DeLong's criticism was in general overwrought. While I do think that some elements of.
Former GOP Grand, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott is very concerned about John Edwards. Well, of the 100 people in the Senate Lott is certainly one of them, so let's hear.
Since the FMA hasn't passed yet, however, Jesse Taylor notes that the Republicans are getting conservative vanity candidate Ralph Nader on the ballot in Michigan. Again, let's remember: Nader's entire reason d'etre.
Andrew Sullivan argues against quietism with respect to the Federal Marriage Amendment: Orrin Hatch's piece in National Review Online is a depressing read. Hatch was once skeptical of the Musgrave amendment.
Alright, my own votes in the Terry Teachout quiz: 1. Kelly or Astaire? Kelly 2. Gatsby or SOR? Gatsby 3. Basie or Ellington? Duke 4. Cats or Dogs? Pass 5. Matisse or.
The Poorman offers an astute list of Hollywood's worst directors. Definitely a fine collection of choices. My few additions/quibbles: 1)I think his initial instincts were the best. I actually liked Requiem for.