Author: Scott Lemieux
A friend once noted that the most unnecessary liner note in history was Lou Reed writing on The Blue Mask that "my guitar is on the right stereo channel." The one on.
Roger Ailes has a great post about Andrew Sullivan declaring that he no longer supports the GOP, because they have the same position on gay rights that they've always had. If.
To me, the question of nuclear power, as with conscription, becomes easier when removed from the abstract level to the context of American politics. Discussing the merits of nuclear power.
When a baseball game is interrupted so that Fred Barnes can spout wingnut propaganda at interminable length, the terrorists have already won.
Alessandra Stanley has an odd piece in the New York Times about the recent spate of "women behaving badly" shows, which she claims are demeaning to women. I haven't seen the.
Among Katha Pollitt's many enviable talents is the ability to cut to the heart of an issue by saying something that by all rights should be banal, but is often.
The ongoing Canadian election is fascinating from a political junkies standpoint, as it seems as if the reborn Conservative party could capture a plurality government, and it is unlikely that.
Via the incomparable Bob Somerby, this gem from Boston Globe typist Nina Easton on The Tweety Matthews Show ("complacent millionaire pundit values on a cable-access budget!"): EASTON: There is--there's no doubt that that's.