Author: Erik Loomis
In a rare piece of sensible legislation coming out of California, rural homeowners who rely on state firefighters for basic fire services will have to pay a $150 annual fee..
Excellent essay at Only the Cinema on Out of Sight, clearly Soderbergh's best film (though a strong case can be made for The Limey) and one of the most entertaining.
The Netflix price spike annoys me as much as everyone else. I don't mind paying for my films, and indeed I do, but the combination of the on-demand and mail.
I've talked before about how young progressive bloggers don't seem to have too much interest in labor history or labor issues more broadly. Of course, most of the voices in.
Obama endorses repealing the Defense of Marriage Act. Good for him. Let's see if it happens. It will soon, if not in 2011. Also, it'd be nice if Democrats realized.
Over at Crooked Timber, Henry has a really interesting commentary to this Doug Henwood piece attacking the neoliberal left. Henry: Neo-liberals tend to favor a combination of market mechanisms and.
Interesting piece on food trucks in the Times. A couple of thoughts. 1. The complaint from restauranteurs about a loss of business when food trucks pull up is mostly absurd..
Yes, clearly the Blue Jays must have been stealing signs for Bartolo Colon to implode...... I haven't felt this bad for the Yankees since Brian Cashman cried that the Mariners.