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She got Stanards

Former Rep. Jon Stanard’s former web page.

The Party of Family Values and Fiscal Responsibility. Now with the receipts to prove it!

Taxpayers paid for two hotel stays that former Rep. Jon Stanard, R-St. George, allegedly used for a tryst with a prostitute.

Greg Hartley, chief of staff for the Utah House, said Friday that records show the state paid for hotel rooms at the Fairfield Inn in Salt Lake City on exact dates that a call girl told the Daily Mail of London that Stanard paid her $250 apiece for two one-hour sessions of sex.

“We do have hotel receipts,” he said. Hartley provided copies, showing that the state paid $112.60 for each of the two days hotel charge.

Would it surprise anyone to know that Stanard recently voted to increase the penalties for solicitation? Or that he touted his pro-fetus, anti-marriage equality values? If so please see me about a fabulous deal on a unicorn.

However, Stanard’s thriftiness may be for naught.

“Even if it is true, our hotel policy doesn’t dictate what a person is allowed to do in the hotel, and he was here in attendance for … legislative business,” Hartley said.

That said, Hartley added, “I do think we will be asking him to reimburse for the two nights hotel that were reported that are in question.”

No worries, I’m sure a cushy job in the current White House awaits.

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