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Those are the rules


The rules are these: If I win the hand I get the money in the pot. If I lose the hand, I shove a gun in your face and take all the money in the room.

Trump has arrived at the White House, where he will have tea with President Biden.

The two men will later ride together to the U.S. Capitol for Trump’s swearing in.

Trump’s return caps what has been a remarkable political comeback unlike anything in American history.

This isn’t Trump’s first time back at the White House. Biden invited him for an Oval Office meeting days after his victory in November.

As Trump exited his limousine, Biden said to him: “Welcome home.”

Trump walked up the steps with Melania Trump and they shook hands with the Bidens.

Note that Biden issued a bunch of pardons of innocent people this morning — their crimes consisted of either investigating Trump’s attempt to overthrow the government, or in Anthony Fauci’s case inadvertently becoming the focus of the current paranoid style in right wing politics — because of a very reasonable belief that Trump would hold Stalinist-style show trials of these people.

Nevertheless the Dignity of the Institutions must be maintained (Offer not applicable to Democrats).

All this gives today’s proceedings a weird double quality, in which Biden & Co. are signaling that they understand on some level what they’re dealing with, while simultaneously conveying that they absolutely don’t, or more accurately refuse to.

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