Bobo reaches a new level of self-parody
I spent so much pre-gaming my flight I couldn’t afford the salad bar! THANKS BIDEN
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Airport double bourbons $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying:
What working-class American hasn’t faced the dilemma of paying high markups for whiskey at mediocre airport restaurants because even though they fly all the time and like to drink at the airport they’re too cheap to pay for the branded credit card that would get them into the airline club? Biden just can’t relate to this kind of economic anxiety.
…another harrowing tale of privation under Uncle Joe Brandon from FluxAmbassador:
It’s worse than Brooks lets on.
Me and the missus figured to take the kids for a nice meal this past weekend. We got them all done out in their Sunday best, loaded into our crossover SUV, and headed out to our local airport lounge.
And they wouldn’t even let us in. The kids started to cry knowing they wouldn’t get to pick up dessert at Hudson News. But the jackboots employed by your government’s FAA said without plane tickets we weren’t welcome on premises.
It’s out of touch thinking like this that turns people to Trump.