Home / General / If $1,000 gets you a job with Rep. Santos, what would you get for $10,000?

If $1,000 gets you a job with Rep. Santos, what would you get for $10,000?


This is the most Republican thing I’ve seen. In the past 30 minutes.

A man who briefly worked as an aide to U.S. Rep. George Santos says he got his job after sending a series of payments to one of the Republican’s top deputies.

Of course he did.

Derek Myers, 31, told staff of the House’s ethics subcommittee during an interview Wednesday that while he was trying to get a job in Santos’ congressional office in late January, he sent at least seven $150 payments to Santos’ director of operations, Vish Burra.

That would be Vish “Disciplined for Threatening a Reporter” Burra.

Myers shared details about the payments, including receipts and text messages, with The Associated Press. His account of how Burra helped him get hired hasn’t previously been reported and raises questions about potential ethical improprieties around Santos.

That should be “raises more questions about yet more potential ethical improprieties around Santos, again because the Kevin McClueless was too big a chicken to cut him loose.”

Myers lasted as a legislative aide for one Scaramucci Unit. But not because someone found out he wasn’t qualified for the job. To Republicans, a willingness to send money is all the qualification a potential hire needs.

According to Santos, it was because a post-hire background check revealed that Myers had been charged with wiretapping after he published a recording of a trial. (I didn’t know Republicans objected to that sort of thing. I guess the trial didn’t support any right wing narrative.) According to Myers, it was because he turned Santos down after Santos groped him.

Myers – who seems to be exactly the sort of supporter and employee that Republicans deserve – also recorded a conversation with Santos and sent that to a reporter. I know that’s the sort of thing Republicans hate. However, Burra is still employed by Santos, which tells you how shallow the talent pool is for the lowest-level Republican crook in office.

People who post off-topic comments are oafish clods who misuse the term “self-hating.”

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