The Liz Bruenig Express Stops in Idaho

If you haven’t read this absolute gutting of Elizabeth Bruenig’s ridiculous fake-left reactionary politics, you owe it to yourself to do so. While she beclowns herself with her arguments that Republicans can now truly be the pro-life party with Roe overturned, actual Republicans are doing what they do, engaging in a total war on women that seeks to overturn any bodily autonomy at all. Take what is going on in the lovely state of Idaho.
On the day the U.S. Supreme Court released its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the regulation of abortion rights to the states, Idaho Family Policy Center President Blaine Conzatti told the Idaho Capital Sun that he was overjoyed, but that the work was not yet done.
The Idaho Family Policy Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that has helped draft and pass several anti-abortion bills, and helped push for the passage of Idaho’s trigger ban on nearly all abortions. The center also helped craft and pass a law modeled after legislation in Texas allowing individuals to sue medical professionals who provide an abortion.
Other anti-abortion individuals and groups have also been thinking about their next battles in the weeks since the court issued its ruling. While the Supreme Court’s action was a significant victory that activists have worked toward for years, Conzatti and some incoming members of the Idaho Legislature are now focusing on what’s next.
“I’ve been watching the various Supreme Court cases come out and trying to figure out what opportunities we have in the state legislatively, and I’m pretty excited about those opportunities,” Conzatti said.
The last time anyone was this excited was Anthony Comstock laughing when birth control providers killed themselves when he prosecuted them.
For him, those opportunities so far include banning emergency contraception and IUDs, removing the affirmative defenses for rape and incest from Idaho’s abortion ban law, and placing limits on businesses or others who attempt to pay for a person to travel for an abortion.
Under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, health care providers who determine a patient needs an abortion because of a medical emergency are protected regardless of state law. Those medical conditions could include ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy loss complications, or preeclampsia, according to previous States Newsroom reporting.
Nice guy here. But here’s the kicker:
Removing the rape and incest exceptions is not an idea Conzatti sees as going very far with the Idaho Legislature, even as more conservative candidates will be seated in the state Senate by January. Many of the legislators are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which has allowed for those exceptions in its doctrine regarding abortion.
“That’s probably going to be a long-term educational effort to convince LDS legislators that we never punish a child for the sins of the father, and no matter the circumstances of birth, every child deserves equal protection of the law,” Conzatti said.
Yes, that’s right, the Mormon Church is too far left on abortion for the contemporary Republican Party.
But I am sure that in a state that still lacks universal kindergarten and spends nothing on pre-K education, Idaho Republicans will all come together to agree to provide social democratic policies. Because they care about the babies just so much…..