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Some Early Thoughts


I’m seeing a lot on Twitter about how more men need to speak up on the Supreme Court’s revocation of human rights from more than half our population. I’m grateful to Scott, Paul, and Erik for posting all through yesterday and continuing today.

Yesterday’s action by the Supreme Court was a long time in coming, but it still hurts to see so much work wiped out. And not only with regard to abortion, but also to increasing the availability of guns, minimizing Miranda, and, on Monday, to disassembling the state regulatory apparatus. It’s the dream of movement conservatives: to end what Franklin Roosevelt started.

It’s easy to feel like blaming someone, and I have words for some, but now is not the time. It’s been a myriad of steps that brought us here, a myriad of times when we decided that this was not our fight. I can think of many times over the past forty years when I thought “That won’t end well” and did little or nothing.

Strategy is my thing, and I have many thoughts there, but I also need time to think. And mourn the lost opportunities, the disappointment and desperation of the women who thought they would be able to have an abortion yesterday and who need one today and tomorrow and on into the future.

District Attorneys are saying that they will not prosecute abortion-related cases. Support organizations are going into action. This is good. The January 6 Committee hearings are exposing Trump’s and others’ crimes. There will be more of them. They are changing public opinion.

I keep wondering whether the reactionaries on the Supreme Court have overreached and acted too soon, before the election-stealing apparatus was firmly in place, to what degree they are coordinating with that apparatus, or whether they are desperate to get these things done before they know they will lose power.

Those are the things I’m thinking about today, and a few others, which will eventually see print. What we do next is where we need to focus.

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