Little Don never once gave it away…
Welcoming a professional parasite into the GOP could only end one way.
Former President Donald Trump is trying to siphon donations away from the Republican National Committee and into his political action committee fund.Unless he has a bank account under the name of J. Barron RepublicanParty, which wouldn’t surprise me.
Trump, who recently flirted with starting his own political party, dubbed The Patriot Party, sent a letter warning donors to avoid supporting RINOs, or Republicans in name only.
Fine print on the site clarifies that the Save America joint fundraising committee donates 90% of its funds to the Save America PAC, with 10% going to the MAGA PAC. Neither PAC is directly affiliated with the Republican Party.
The shallow response to this bit of excellent news is that there are plenty of bigoted suckers and therefore plenty of cash to go around. And certainly there is an obscene amount of money to be made by channeling the ghost of D.C. Stephenson.
But is it obscene enough for the people who are receiving it? Pre-trump, maybe. Post-trump, never. He’s too greedy and probably thinks sharing is a symptom of a mental disorder.
And then there are his adult children who will want their share, because they sure as fuck aren’t going to go out and get real jobs like a bunch of animals. Especially now that dad has shown them they can just tell some flunky to come up with some hackneyed jingoism, stick the word PAC on the end and send out emails with the words “MAGA” and “GIMME MONEY” written over and over.
The GOP’s choices will be what they’ve always been: Fork over the dough and get nothing in return except insults and demands for more money, or try to get between him and the money he thinks is his, and get spend a lot of it on security to protect them from the rabid MAGAts.
Neither choice is great but I guess the latter choice allows them to keep some money and say the red-faced goons waving trump flags who surrounded their house are antifa.
I just hope the fights happen where we can watch.