Case Closed

The evidence shown by the managers yesterday made it vividly clear what Trump, Hawley, Cruz et al. hath wrought:
In a brutal and deftly edited presentation, the managers presented the attack on the election’s certification as a found-footage horror movie.
Sometimes the horror was in seeing how awful and vicious the day was. Security and body camera footage showed police officers defending the building engaged in what could have been siege scenes from “Game of Thrones” — grisly, grunting, intimate violence. On emergency calls, officers screamed out calls for support. “We’ve lost the line!” “The crowd is using munitions against us!” “Multiple Capitol injuries!”
Sometimes the horror was in seeing how much worse it could have been. New security camera footage showed Eugene Goodman, the Capitol Police officer hailed for his heroism during the assault, rushing down a hall and turning around Senator Mitt Romney — an outspoken Trump critic and plausible target of the mob — from walking down a hall toward attackers.
Another silent video: Former Vice President Mike Pence is hustled down a stairwell with his family, as we’re reminded that mob members had chanted for his death.
Another: Staffers of Speaker Nancy Pelosi rush to barricade themselves in an office; minutes later the hallway swarms with attackers, one of whom tries to smash down the door before giving up.
As for the Jonathan Turley”question” of whether this is properly traced to Trump’s 77 days of incitement, there was extensive evidence of this presented too, but really this is where we can also just turn to the philosopher’s prerogative:
Who inspired the Trump supporters leaving the Trump rally wearing Trump gear and chanting “ TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP”? We may never know.— Jason O. Gilbert (@gilbertjasono) February 11, 2021
How long must we keep a straight face, at long last?