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And then things got out of hand


Forget it Brad, it’s Trump Town.


Hey Jared is a lawyer, sort of.

Where is all this heading? According to Gabriel Sterling, nowhere good:

Georgia’s Republican voting system manager on Tuesday unloaded on President Trump, accusing him of provoking violence against officials and election workers with his baseless claims of voter fraud and calling on him to accept his loss in the presidential race.

In fiery remarks at a news conference at the Georgia Capitol, Gabriel Sterling decried the threats of violence that election workers and top officials and their families have received in recent weeks from some of Trump’s supporters who have clung to the president’s claims that the Nov. 3 election was marred by widespread fraud and malfeasance. 

“Mr. President, it looks like a likely loss in the state of Georgia,” a visibly shaken Sterling said. “We’re investigating. There’s always a possibility. I get it. You have the rights to go through the court. What you don’t have the ability to do — and you need to step up and say this — is stop inspiring people to commit potential violence. Someone’s going to get hurt. Someone’s going to get shot. Someone’s going to get killed. It’s not right.

Yeah that’s a tough break Gabe. Maybe you shouldn’t have spent the last several years spreading the typical GOP BS about “voter fraud,” ya think?

Hey what’s former National Security Adviser and freshly pardoned felon Michael Flynn up to?

Days after he got a pardon from President Trump, former national security advisor Mike Flynn is calling for the president to declare martial law and have the military conduct a revote of the election he lost to President-elect Joe Biden.

Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts during the transition, then sought to withdraw his plea, blasted out advertisement that the group We the People Convention printed in the Washington Times.

It urges Trump, who has called the election ‘rigged,’ to declare a ‘limited form of martial law’ and have the military – who reports to him directly as commander in chief – conduct the revote.  

Who could have predicted that seizing control of the government by building a movement based on stoking endless paranoid fears regarding the government could somehow backfire on those employing this strategy?

As St. Ronald Reagan once said so famously, the most frightening words in the English language are “I’m from the Republican party, and I’m here to help.”

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