Home / General / Turns out a drunk rapist with a super shady financial past who got into Yale as a legacy and then lied about that under oath (and a lot else besides) isn’t some sort of brilliant legal thinker after all

Turns out a drunk rapist with a super shady financial past who got into Yale as a legacy and then lied about that under oath (and a lot else besides) isn’t some sort of brilliant legal thinker after all


Scott has written a couple of times about how incredibly bad Kavanaugh’s concurrence in the Wisconsin voting rights case is, but it’s worth emphasizing just what a completely amateurish hack job it really is:

I mean I roll my eyes every time some courtier starts burbling about how “brilliant” this or that judge supposedly is. Genuinely brilliant people are almost never lawyers and are LITERALLY never judges — a profession that inexorably destroys pre-existing cognitive capacity. But that said, Kavanaugh isn’t within a country mile of even the, uh, “constructive” brilliance that’s imputed to the brighter members of the profession.

He’s a disgrace on every level, and should be treated as such, but of course he won’t be because law in general and elite law in particular spits out unctuous toadyism faster than a royal court stocked to the rafters with inbred imbeciles and their shameless enablers.

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