Michael Flynn takes the QAnon oath with his friends
This is a thing that happened yesterday:
Apparently QAnon has had Flynn at the center of its universe for a long time, and now he’s decided to get with the program:
After years of silence, former Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn has started courting his devoted fans in the QAnon conspiracy theory, sending out signals of support for the underground movement that the FBI considers a potential domestic terror threat.
Flynn, who won a legal victory last week after an appeals court panel ordered a federal court judge to end the Justice Department’s case against him, recently added a QAnon hashtag to his Twitter bio. And he’s started writing an internet column filled with QAnon-style imagery. . .
[S]ometime in the last month, Flynn edited his Twitter bio to add a QAnon hashtag: #TakeTheOath.
In a QAnon take on the Ice Box Challenge, “taking the oath” has become a viral phenomenon where believers film themselves taking an oath to become “digital soldiers” to defend the Constitution.
“They’re literally taking an oath to an anonymous conspiracy avatar,” Rothschild said.
Rothschild eh? Interesting name!
Three days ago I made a ridiculous joke about Kanye West being the early Herman Cain/Ben Carson black guy leading 2024 GOP polls candidate (the function of these candidacies, beyond their obvious grift value to the candidates themselves, is to create a token that Republican voters can claim to support, to prove to the libz that they’re totally not racist).
Because it’s 2020, the joke’s on me:
Kanye West tweeted Saturday night that he wants to run for president in 2020 — four months before the election and apparently without having filed with the Federal Election Commission or created a campaign committee.
“We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future. I am running for president of the United States,” the 43-year-old musician wrote on Independence Day, using the hashtag “2020 vision.”