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The Republican Party is a remorseless nest of sociopaths


Republican legislators in Pennsylvania informed their own conference but not their Democratic colleagues that one of their representatives had tested positive for COVID-19:

Republican state lawmaker from Central Pennsylvania confirmed Wednesday that he tested positive for the coronavirus earlier this month, leading at least one of his House colleagues to self-quarantine.

The admission immediately ignited outrage among Democrats in the chamber, who said they were recklessly left in the dark for nearly a week about the lawmaker’s condition.

State Rep. Andrew Lewis (R., Dauphin) said in a statement that he received a positive COVID-19 result on May 20 and immediately began self-isolation. He said he informed House officials after he received the result, and that they have worked to identify anyone with whom he may have come into contact. Lewis said he was last in the Capitol on May 14.


“Whoever knew this in the Republican leadership and did not inform the broader membership and staff, they need to resign immediately. This is outrageous and immoral,” said Boyle, who said he’s trying to get tested in Harrisburg this week before returning to Philadelphia.

Boyle’s committee has met more than most as it considers legislation pertaining to reopening the state’s economy. It has also been the scene of several battles over how quickly to ease pandemic restrictions, with Democrats pushing for caution and Republicans, many from less-affected counties, encouraging a swifter reopening.

“I am livid,” said State Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta (D., Phila.), who sits on the committee with Lewis, adding: “They were derelict in their duty when they did not alert us to this immediately…. They put our health at risk, they put our families at risk, and Speaker [Mike] Turzai should resign, period.”

Kenyatta said he and his partner were both tested Wednesday after hearing the news.

Meanwhile, let’s check in on the wholly owned subsidiaries of Koch industries in the Badger state:

At least the decision had absolutely no basis in law whatsoever!

OK, but what can you expect from our Laboratories of Non-Democracy? Let’s move up to the federal level to see what kind of Bold Economic Populism Comrade Tom Cotton is up to now:

GOP delenda est.

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