There must be 50 ways to hit a nazi

In the face, in the bank account …
After Dean Obeidallah wrote a Daily Beast article condemning President Trump’s approach to white supremacist terror in 2017, the neo-Nazi site The Daily Stormer website falsely accused Obeidallah of being behind an ISIS attack.
Now The Daily Stormer’s founder is being forced to pay him millions for the smear.
Obeidallah, a comedian and radio host, sued Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin for defamation, and on Wednesday a judge ordered Anglin to pay $4.1 million in damages.
“The judge apparently found what they did so atrocious he gave them the most he could in punitive damages,” Obeidallah told The Daily Beast.
Anglin’s future will likely include another unfavorable judgement, stemming from a harassment campaign that targeted a Jewish woman and her family.
He’s still in hiding, presumably outside of the U.S.
It is true that the Great Orange DOPUS will admit he’s a complete failure, the biggest failure, believe me, before Obeidallah sees a penny of the settlement.
So what? The alt-kiss, the surface-to-surface milkshake, and ongoing legal and financial difficulties can help even the dimmest wanna-be Forrest, Stephenson or Wallace realize there’s a difference between fighting fantasy enemies which are equal parts semi-melted snowflakes and marshmallow fluff, and fighting real live human beings who fail to realize that they’re supposed to run away crying when a member of the master race says Boo.
Perhaps a punch in the face early on would be the kindest thing one could do for a nazi.