On the Deletion of Kevin Williamson
The brutal silencing of Kevin Williamson, which he has rightly been decrying from various elite media outlets, is aptly summarized by the Wall Street Journal:
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 pic.twitter.com/vOiDKAeovw
— Scott Lemieux (@LemieuxLGM) April 29, 2018
It’s true! Why, in the wake of his metaphorical hanging, his work has been so hard to find that one has to make the long, long journey from page A12 of the nation’s second-largest newspaper by circulation to…page A11:
Odd — even after his metaphorical execution he has a byline in the very same section of the nation’s second-largest newspaper by circulation. He is the most oppressed person in America pic.twitter.com/08TKCUwrs0
— Scott Lemieux (@LemieuxLGM) April 29, 2018
Wait, it gets better! The first letter is from the current editor of the student newspaper at noted hippie liberal bastion Hillsdale College:
The first letter, in which the current editor of the student newspaper at a conservative college writes about how he whined about being asked about his public statements, is 🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/BwoFpOJtGi
— Scott Lemieux (@LemieuxLGM) April 29, 2018
Not only has this Man of Profound Ideas done a whole lot of vacuous bobbing and weaving about his position on abortion, he gets pissy when asked an appropriate and substantive question by an ideologically congenial student reporter. (Whether he described it as being akin to the Bikini Atoll is unkown at press time.) Someone get this special snowflake a safe space stat!
I will once again delegate the punchline, because I can’t top Adam’s description of this ridiculous shell game:
They’re really the same position, except one is widely mocked by elite opinion writers and the other is widely held among elite opinion writers.
— Adam Serwer 🍝 (@AdamSerwer) April 27, 2018