Home / football / Robert Kraft, Patriots join the ranks of the disinvited

Robert Kraft, Patriots join the ranks of the disinvited


There are many more statements like this, in addition to more pointed ones from organizations like the NFL Players Association, and LeBron James.

Without knowing the socio-political beliefs of each team owner – and I do know Kraft donated to old beast lunatic’s campaign – the semi-intelligent team owner understands that it is bad for the bottom line to have players or fans wondering whether they side with the shouty racist tangerine. tRump has forced team owners to point at him and announce I’m not with him! and if my read of him is correct, that’s the one thing that he does not want to hear.

Being called a bum and asshole and generally invited to STFU by skilled professionals who are far more respected – and likely richer – than he’ll ever be has got to be leaving a few divots in the ego as well.

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