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Go Fund Yourself, John C. Wright

Sorry about the spittle
It’s her period!!!!! HER PERIOD!!!-John C. Wright, probably


Oh man, is this a sad I’m hazzing? Or is it just my sides aching from laughing so hard? Oh, it must be the latter, because it appears that John C. Wright has fallen on hard times. This is a shame because no one can veer manically between florid, overwrought, unreadable prose and seething, overwrought, unreadable prose like Wright. I mean, do you want to live in a world where Wright can’t stab his fingers into his keyboard while frothing at both the mouth and butt and typing out stuff like “I didn’t like this animated film because Batwoman is a lesbian“?


The premise is that Bats is missing, and it is up to Nightwing, an annoying kid named Damian Wayne (Bruce’s son by Thalia Al-Ghul), Lucien Fox’s son Iron Batman, and an annoying sexual pervert dressed as Batgirl, but who uses a gun to find and save him.
She is named Batwoman (the second or third of that name, if my count is right) and she has the same origin story as the Huntress or, for that matter, the Punisher.
If they film makers had kept the sexual pervert stuff in the background, or even the annoying brat quality of how annoying she was, or made the rest of the film good, I would be more understanding. They did not, it was not, and I am not.
Nothing is kept in the background. Instead we have  scene of her father asking her over coffee in a kindly fashion is she had found the right girl yet, because all widowers want their remaining daughter to expend her life in sterile sexual abnormality rather than, you know, give him grandkids; and then a scene of her hitting on a girl in bar, and the girl looking pleasing; and when Dick Grayson says it took him a while for figure out how to talk to girls, she says it took her a while, too.
Get it? Because she is a homosexual, and, so, as a girl, she had to learn how to chat up girls. To have sex with them. Because homosexual girls have sex with girls. See? It is meant to be funny. Or something.
So the sexual pervert thing is made fairly obvious and in-your-face.
Gonna defend Wright here for a moment–that is disgusting! Fathers and daughters having innocuous conversations about dating is pretty much THE WORST. I’m bleaching my brain as soon as I hit “publish.”
When invited to blow in the front doors of the Church, Fox smirks “God ain’t going to like this…” and Batwoman replies, “She has not been here for a long time….”
Get it? She? Calling God a ‘she’ is a sign of hipness, or smirkiness, or godlessness. Or something. It is meant to be funny.
What it actually is, is a blasphemy, because the writer has contempt for at least half his audience.
I’m not a religious woman, but it was my understanding that blasphemy was not nearly as serious as the prospect of upsetting psychotic comics fans.
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OK, but this doesn’t seem very in keeping with the libertarian spirit. (Thanks to old pal, BBBB and Origami Isopod for these links!)
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